Thursday, April 11, 2013

Line graph using php

I this blog I am sharing a simple code to draw a line graph using php. Here I am using a value_array to hold my data for drawing the graph. If  we wants to draw the graph based on records  from database just replace the values of $value_array. Here I’m assumed that there is only 12 in that array.
$value_array[1] = 3500;
$value_array[2] = 2000;
$value_array[3] = 5000;
$value_array[4] = 500;
$value_array[5] = 2500;
$value_array[6] = 5;
$value_array[7] = 4250;
$value_array[8] = 1110;
$value_array[9] = 3720;
$value_array[10] = 1190;
$value_array[11] = 2670;
$value_array[12] = 440;
                $imagewd=600; //X value
                $imageht=550; //Y value
                //-------------Horizontal Lines----------------------------------------------
                $cord1 = 50;
                                $cord1 = $cord1+50;
//-------------End Horizontal Lines------------------------------------------
//-------------Vertical Lines------------------------------------------------
                $cord2 = 50;
                                $cord2 = $cord2+50;
//-------------End Vertical Lines-------------------------------------------
imagesetthickness($image,3);//code changing thickness of graph
//Drawing Graph depending upon values---------------------
                                imagestring($image,4,$x2-10,$y2-13,$value_array[$i],$text_color); //Printing value's of each points

I used following code to embed this graph to my html page.


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